Monday, June 12, 2023

Happy 21st Birthday to Isabel

Dear Isabel,

On the morning of your 21st birthday, my first WhatsApp message to you consisted of this image with these words: "Because I like the two-person bitmojis where we can be together even if we aren't. I love you, Sissy! Happy 21st Birthday!! Mom-Mom has a couple of your presents from us (telling you in case she forgets!) Have a GREAT day and know you are LOVED!!"

It will never feel right to be separated from our kids on their birthdays, but I am thankful for modern means of communication to at least bridge the distance as much as loving words can suffice to do. If memory serves me right, you found yourself working at Carter's on your 21st birthday as you were earning money over summer vacation for your next year of college. (And should you notice my use of past tense verbs ... yes, once again I am writing this letter quite belatedly and for that I apologize!)

Another message we exchanged that day was this Rebekah Lyons quote I sent you, to which you responded with a red heart emoji. 💓

"The measure of trial that you've endured directly relates to the measure of HOPE you offer the world. 

Your pain can become purpose."

I told you that I thought of my Isabel HOPE when I read this! You have certainly endured trials in your twenty-one years of life. Many of these - most significantly, physical struggles and chronic pain - have been outside your control and continue to require so much patience and faith every single day. You face the "normal" challenges of young adult, college life - and on top of that, so much more. Which is why this quote resonated so clearly! There is hope, even in your trials. And there is purpose, even in your pain. 

One purpose is the compassion you have developed and demonstrate towards others in their own physical struggles. The summer of your 21st birthday was spent living with Mom-Mom and being present with Pop-Pop at a time when his Parkinson's was deteriorating him in body and mind. I know for a fact that your grandfather lit up every time you entered his room, made sure he was comfortable, gifted him your presence and the delicious homemade chocolate covered pretzels you'd created. He was and is so proud of you. He loves his sixteen grandchildren, but not all have had the privilege of proximity your circumstances allowed. You gave him hope in his trials, and to your grandmother as well.

To our dear daughter, Dad and I love you very much! We are still learning what it means to parent children who are becoming independent adults, but who thankfully still need us awhile longer. We love your daily check-ins and the snippets of your life you share with us. Happy 21st Birthday, Isabel Hope!

All my love,


Birthday Posts by Year:

20th Birthday - Isabel
19th Birthday - Isabel
18th Birthday - Isabel
17th Birthday - Isabel
16th Birthday - Isabel
15th Birthday - Isabel
14th Birthday- Isabel
13th Birthday - Isabel
12th Birthday - Isabel
11th Birthday - Isabel
10th Birthday - Isabel
9th Birthday - Isabel
8th Birthday - Isabel
7th Birthday - Isabel
6th Birthday - Isabel
5th Birthday - Isabel

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