Friday, April 12, 2024

Happy 19th Birthday, Owen

Dear Owen,

Celebrating my children's birthdays from a continent away is something I never want to get used to. I'm writing this letter several months removed from the actual date but still very thankful that although we couldn't be with you, many friends made your day special with their greetings and presence. 

This was your first birthday away from home as you attended your freshman year of college. My best-laid plans may have backfired when you didn't pick up your giant birthday cookie from the campus store until AFTER the weekend, and I never did hear if it was stale or not, but here's hoping it's true that "it's the thought that counts!"

You made it easy for us as far as gifts go, since primarily your desire was some money to eat out and enjoy non-cafeteria food off campus. (Whoever said the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, was definitely thinking of you!) And I'm glad you liked the bright hoodie I picked out, because it makes me smile every time I see a picture of you wearing it.

Something else that made me smile this birthday was seeing your friends' birthday wishes to you on different apps. I countered the melancholy of not knowing half of your new friends with the gratitude that you have so many!

Owen, all your life you have been surrounded by people who love you and enjoy you. It's in part because you, too, enjoy and love people. You are interested in people's stories and make people feel comfortable. You bring lots of laughter wherever you are. This gift of relating to others, God has given you with a purpose. "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31) He has a plan for your life now and in the future to glorify Him, and it is my prayer that you will make it your aim to discover His will. That you will set aside predetermined thoughts and potential insecurities and pursue whatever He shows you. I don't know what that is any more than you do right now, but I know that He will make it clear step by step if you ask Him.

Happy 19th Birthday, Owen! Dad and I love you so much, and we look forward to every conversation with you. We're proud of your work ethic and happy for the fun you've had this summer. We're grateful for life lessons learned along the way. We are praying for success, spiritually and academically and relationally, in this next season of your life in a new school. And we're already looking forward to Christmas when we can see you again!

All my love,


Previous birthday posts:

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