Dear Owen,
Incredibly, you are now twelve years old! It is thrilling and overwhelming to watch you grow into this man-child with hands and feet bigger than Daddy's and shooting up past your sisters in height. You are in this fascinating stage between childhood and "teenager-hood" in which we alternately catch glimpses of the little boy that was and the young man that will be.
This year in particular, we have watched you test your wings and maturity as you joined the youth group; began a weekly discipleship with Josh; and took part in some Biblical training classes on your own time. There is no greater joy for believing parents than to see a child growing in his or her walk with Jesus and relationship with other Christians and the church. We are very happy and proud as we observe the growth in your heart and life. Keep following God's leading in every stage of life and you will be blessed beyond measure by His greatness and goodness!

Although your birthday did not start out as planned amidst a busy week of ministry outreach into local schools, I hope that it ended on the right note making it sweet for your heart. With your friend Cristobal and his little brother Tomy celebrating with us; eating oatmeal bake and chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting; receiving Legos and a new NBA game for the PlayStation; and playing the latter in fierce competition with visiting Pastor Cristian just for fun! Once again your choice of birthday cake did not fully cooperate and we had a near-repeat of the "earthquake cake" - but Eva's gummy worm design suited your fancy and saved the day! :)
We love you, Owen, and thank God for you! Happy 12th Birthday, sweet son! (I had to add this second picture of you because no matter how much you grow, you will always be my fun-loving little boy!)
All my love,
Previous birthday posts:
11th Birthday - Owen
10th Birthday - Owen
9th Birthday - Owen
8th Birthday - Owen
7th Birthday - Owen
6th Birthday - Owen
5th Birthday - Owen
4th Birthday - Owen
3rd Birthday - Owen
2nd Birthday - Owen
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