Yesterday was our final Sunday as a family this furlough at our home and sending church in Michigan. During Sunday School, our pastor led a Q & A time with us. Directed to me were some questions about how I got started writing online and specifically about this little blog, along with an invitation to visit here. As I mentioned then, blogging for me has primarily been a kind of writing therapy as well as a place to record family memories. I'm thankful that at times, God has used it to make personal connections and encourage others as well.
It has been nearly 19 years since I first posted and wrote: "Well, it is time to try something new ... we are trying out the current fad of online "blogging." Since fads have a way of coming and going, truth be told blogs are not too common anymore!
For that reason, I thought I would write a little "How-To" post for friends who might wander by for a visit.
It's important to note that the newest post will always be at the top, so as you scroll down the page you are actually going backwards in time. There are several ways to peruse a blog. You can simply go sequentially (in reverse) and click on "Older Posts" at the bottom of the page to access more. Or, you can use the drop-down "Blog Archive" list at the bottom of the right-hand column to find historic posts by month (going all the way back to December 2004.) Another option is the small white search box at the upper-left corner of the page. You can look up individual people, places, events (such as "earthquake" or "FLORECE" or "Christmas.")
If you ever want to quickly get back to the most current post, just click on the title banner at the top of the page.
I should probably mention that I kept a separate blog from January 2008 through February 2011 (with a couple of additional postscripts) to record our adoption journey from Haiti. That blog can be accessed by clicking the brown box midway down the right-hand column.
Hopefully this is helpful! You can also leave comments if desired by clicking the little comments link in the gray line below the post (immediately to the right of the time.) Thanks so much for stopping by!
(PS - One important postscript. If you click a link to a specific post - which is usually the norm on social media - only that post will appear on the page. This is a case in point where clicking on the title banner will take you back to the most current post and those before it.)
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