Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy 8th Birthday to Owen

Owen in Iquique, February 2013
Three birthdays in five days. Wow! But we are winding things up with yours, my sweet boy. Actually we've already celebrated with cake and candy and a party and presents (jointly, for you and your brother.) This year we offered you a solo overnight camping trip with Daddy or a movie outing with a couple of friends, but your focus was on presents. I'm not sure why, although I think it could easily have something to do with the pallet of our personal items that was shipped way back in January and has yet to arrive (including most of your toys!)

So a party it was, fun and games galore at HappyLand with family and friends and afterwards the opening of presents, including those Lego sets which set your smile to shining from ear to ear.

You don't realize it yet, but presents are just a plus. The real celebration on your birthday is you, and God's work in you. His work in designing you. His work in bringing you to life. His work in orchestrating your adoption into our family when you needed a Mom and Dad and a home (and we needed you!) His work in your heart, mind and soul every day as you learn, think, understand and make choices. His work in your body as you daily run and jump and play.
Happy 8th Birthday! You always have and always do bring energy and joy and tenderness and humor to our lives. We should no longer be surprised, but we are with every new talent you display in that lanky, athletic body of yours. It has been so much fun watching you stretch your legs on the track these past weeks. Only God knows what He has in store for you, but it's such a privilege to watch from the front row. We love you and thank God for you each and every day. Run your hardest and fastest after Jesus - He is our most important finish line!
     Love, Mommy (for Daddy, too!) 

More birthday posts:

7th Birthday - Owen
6th Birthday - Owen
5th Birthday - Owen
4th Birthday - Owen
3rd Birthday - Owen
2nd Birthday - Owen

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