Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Celebrating 23 Years with Eva Grace

Dear Eva,

I am writing your 23rd birthday letter some five months past the date, but I write it with as much love today as ever. I wanted to record what we were sharing with each other around the actual date, when I was in Arequipa, Peru meeting llamas and you were wrangling baby goats in Iowa. You sent me this picture with one of them!

One of your love languages has always been gifts, and I had lots of fun looking for some unique items on Amazon that you could open on your special day. It turns out there's quite a variety when it comes to farm items, and fortunately you seemed to enjoy the gardening sun sleeves; fuzzy tractor socks; "bee" kind t-shirt; and mini farm girl with her tractor that you received!

In the months since now and then, some very big things have happened in your life. First, your solo flight(s) between Iowa and Pennsylvania to visit Pop-Pop and Mom-Mom. This was something you thought you could "never" do alone, but with God's help learned that you could! Then, moving into your first independent home because of God's provision of full-time employment at the Orchard. It's been such a delight to see your rented apartment take shape and become your own as you decorated it and hosted your first guests, including the Fishers on their epic trip out west!

There have been complicated challenges also. Most recently, your head injury and resultant concussion symptoms which have made fulfilling your daily tasks discouraging and difficult. Prior to that, car troubles with their accompanying financial strain. Adult trials with adult sacrifices required. As parents, it's not easy to watch from afar but from afar we have been filled with gratitude for how you've leaned on the Lord and learned to trust Him.

We love you, Eva, and pray that you'll continue to find fulfillment and joy in exercising the gifts God has given you. We pray you'll continually pause, pray, and pursue His will in each area of your life. We can assure you from experience that His plan is perfect, surprising, satisfying and significant if you allow Him to lead. Happy 23rd Birthday, to our dear  and beloved daughter!

All my love,

Birthday Posts by Year:

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