Thursday, June 15, 2023

Sayings from Silas, Part 4

Silas is now 7 1/2 years old and still keeps us giggling with some of the things he says!

Silas saw a commercial for eczema cream and told Pedro that he should use it "to look like a young dad." But then quickly amended, "Only don't do it, or I won't recognize you!"

Pedro alerted the kids that we had reached the state of Indiana where we would visit friends. Silas excitedly asked, "This is where they did Indiana Jones, right??" (Note: He's only seen the Lego version!) But our good-natured, grandfatherly friend made a point to appear at the door in a cowboy hat to fulfill Silas' expectations!

At his Christian school this semester, Silas has enjoyed hearing "Patch the Pirate" songs in his first-grade classroom. I shared with him at bedtime one night the testimony of Ron Hamilton who when he lost his eye to cancer, instead of becoming bitter chose to embrace his "pirate" eye patch and create a lifelong music ministry to children (and adults alike.) I also told Silas of Ron Hamilton's recent death and that he is now in Heaven seeing with both eyes again. Silas' immediate response was, "Like blind Bartimaeus! And the first thing he saw when Jesus made him see, was the face of Jesus!" (This wasn't funny, but it was precious!)

One evening, Silas was waxing eloquent in the car on the subject of Pedro's first cousin, Jared (because he loves their family!) "It's hard to believe that cousin Jared is my cousin. He's like 10 times older than me, he's married, he has kids ..." Our apologies to Jared who apparently by Silas' calculations is 70 years old?!?

Occasionally Silas acts as the voice of conscience. (We hear tales that it may have been more than "occasionally" in his 1st grade class this year!) Recently he informed me with a bit of hesitation in his voice, "Mom, I think I heard you say a bad word yesterday. I think I heard you say 'heck.'" Without much time to prepare a response, I replied that it wasn't a swear word but a strong word and said I was sorry. To which Silas promptly remonstrated, "Don't say sorry to me; say sorry to God!"

One morning Silas came up to Pedro after he had gotten done grinding coffee and making a lot of noise. Silas exclaimed, "What in the raspberry walnut are you doing?!" Pedro asked him if he had heard anyone say that before and Silas replied, "No, I just made it up!"

As we drove past a pond with floating birds, I eagerly drew everyone's attention to the "ducks" only to have Pedro dryly correct me that those were actually geese. To which Silas piped up, "Mom! That deserves a 'bruuuh.'" With the amount of times he uses it in a day, apparently 'bruh' is his very favorite new word learned on furlough!


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