Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Sayings from Silas, Part 3

Silas (at age 6 1/2 and going on 7 years old) has continued to entertain us with the inner workings of his mind since we traveled to the United States in July for a year of stateside ministry/furlough. 

Silas at bedtime one night: "I'd prefer to die in my childhood. Because the Bible says Jesus held the children in His lap, and when you get old you get bigger and heavier and you can't fit on His lap anymore."

Silas after visiting a Michigan dairy farm: "If I were a cow, I'd be happy to have a mustache!"

Silas starting at a new school in the USA: "My Spanish teacher was born in New York, but she doesn't speak New York. The school is like well trained with their Spanish! I couldn't believe my ears!"

Silas at Aunt Jenn's for a sleepover, in response to her suggestion that he and cousin Kai play the "silence" game: "I always lose at that game!" (Ain't that the truth!)

Silas after meeting his 96-year old great-grandmother for the first time: "When I see old people's skin, like Grandma Old, I think, 'Oh, that's squishy!' and I want to squish it, but then I think I'll just have to wait until I'm an old person to have skin like that."

Silas after Pedro in response to his question states that Luxembourg is the smallest country in the world: "Is that because everyone is lucky there?"

Silas' impression of the retirement community where his Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop Christian live: "I love this hotel!" And as he takes a big bite of cheeseburger in their cafeteria: "I wanna LIVE here!"

"Why is the Canadian flag the beautifullest flag in the world? Because it has a leaf." - Silas as he sees it waving between the US and Chile flags at ABWE IHQ

One morning as the telltale ding-ding-ding of intro music rang out on Pedro's phone, Silas exclaimed: "It's Steve Douglas!" (Our ABWE resident director.) In actuality, it was Dr. Albert Mohler on "The Briefing!"

Random question from Silas: "When a person gets tan, do they have to get lots of freckles, like 'puntilismo'?"

"Now THESE are pueblos originarios!" - Silas upon viewing photo collage on ABWE IHQ wall

When we drove past a cemetery, Silas informed us that he will tell his wife that he wants a really nice headstone when he dies, because he loves beautiful things. And he said that if his wife dies, he will get a picture of her because he will miss her, and he'll attach the picture to a broom so he can hug and sleep with it as if she's still with him.

After sitting through a creative video all about rules at a summer camp, Silas was most concerned about the "no public displays of affection" requirement. In all seriousness he inquired, "But [my age group] are allowed to touch girls, right?"

When asked about friends he is making at his new school, Silas responded with the names of several girls. Mommy asked about friends who are boys and he responded, "First I have to make friends with two more girls. Then I will make friends with a boy!"

Random question from Silas: "What if I am really the oldest, and all this time I have been living a dream?"

Silas after his first bee sting, crying out with an intense air of betrayal: "Nobody told me there were bees in the United States!"

Silas upon arriving to the missionary home loaned to us this furlough in Michigan: "Is this our neighborhood? I'm almost going to die of happiness. It's so beautiful!"

Silas repeating words of wisdom: "NEVER hit a girl. And one reason is because of horde of girls will come after you!" Then adding by way of explanation. "At least that's what Benjo (his 17-year old cousin) says!"

Silas declares while happily squeezing Daddy's underarm: "It's an armpit massage!"

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