It is a fact that Silas loves birthdays. He loves balloons. He loves cake. He loves presents. He loves bunches of people! His face lights up as brightly as the birthday candles and his only complaint when he saw his single #3 candle was, "I want more candles!" (This may have had something to do with attending a party for a friend's 68th birthday the night before, and she had LOTS of candles!)
For weeks prior to his birthday we kept hearing the eager question, "This my birthday?" We had two other parties in the days just before his, which only added to his anticipation (and confusion!) So it was with a sigh of relief and joy last Sunday that we could finally say, "Yes, Silas! Today's your birthday!"
Our festivities began with company for lunch after church. Aunt Pam and Uncle Jon (missionary colleagues) and Tia Cata (FLORECE colleague) joined us for spaghetti lunch, one of Silas' favorite meals. Afterwards Tia Cata provided an impromptu haircut on the back patio for the birthday boy! We allowed Silas to open a couple of presents to ease the anxious waiting until 5:30 PM when our other guests were expected. Meanwhile Pedro and Isabel drove across town for the tres leches cake from our favorite "cake guy" Daniel. On their return they picked up three guests, our friend and babysitter Tia Eli and a FLORECE client who is her temporary houseguest. Sweet, tiny baby Rafaela came with her mother. Silas had already been asking for a chance to hold her and was so delighted when we carefully supported her in his arms!
As is not unusual in Chile, the scheduled time came and went with no sign of further guests. And then all at once about an hour later, it seemed like everyone came at once! Twenty-eight people squeezed into our living room and spilled out the front door. Silas was in his glory, greeting each new friend and gratefully grabbing each offered gift. Perhaps a bit more chaotic than planned, but certainly a sweet blessing to see so many who love him and wished to celebrate his special day.
Dear Silas,
You are three years old! What joy you have brought to our family in those three years. Mommy and Daddy and every one of your brothers and sisters love you so much. You make us laugh with your bright-eyed antics, and surprise us with all you have learned in such a short time! Our home is so much busier and better with you in it. God certainly knew what He was doing when he sent you to us so unexpectedly.
You are only three years old, but we often joke that in your own mind you are every bit as big as your brothers! If they ride bikes, you ride bikes. If they do school, you "do school." Recently you shocked us by naming most of the letters of the alphabet, which we had not even taught you but you caught doing "school" on Starfall while your siblings studied. Perhaps the only "little boy" habit you have yet to lose is your bedtime bottle which you so dearly love (and we cherish the snuggles that go with it!)
Since your last birthday, you have come through many changes with our return to Chile and yet you continue to embrace life and the people you love. You take special care to remember and use names, which always strikes us as very alert and sweet. Your play dates each week with your friend Emilia are precious memories. This coming year will have even more changes as you potty train and enter pre-school and practice your Spanish each day. But what won't change is our love for you.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Silas Eben Garcia!
All my love,

Dear Silas,
You are three years old! What joy you have brought to our family in those three years. Mommy and Daddy and every one of your brothers and sisters love you so much. You make us laugh with your bright-eyed antics, and surprise us with all you have learned in such a short time! Our home is so much busier and better with you in it. God certainly knew what He was doing when he sent you to us so unexpectedly.
You are only three years old, but we often joke that in your own mind you are every bit as big as your brothers! If they ride bikes, you ride bikes. If they do school, you "do school." Recently you shocked us by naming most of the letters of the alphabet, which we had not even taught you but you caught doing "school" on Starfall while your siblings studied. Perhaps the only "little boy" habit you have yet to lose is your bedtime bottle which you so dearly love (and we cherish the snuggles that go with it!)
Since your last birthday, you have come through many changes with our return to Chile and yet you continue to embrace life and the people you love. You take special care to remember and use names, which always strikes us as very alert and sweet. Your play dates each week with your friend Emilia are precious memories. This coming year will have even more changes as you potty train and enter pre-school and practice your Spanish each day. But what won't change is our love for you.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Silas Eben Garcia!
All my love,
Silas' 2nd Birthday Post
Silas' 1st Birthday Post
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