Thursday, August 19, 2010

Women's Ministry: A Taste of Brazil

This year in our women's ministry we thought it might be fun to celebrate different areas of the world in each of our monthly meetings. Except for those on the decorations and/or cooking committees for each month, the theme is a surprise for those who attend. So far this year we have enjoyed French cuisine, Asian delicacies, Tropical delights, and most recently, Brazilian cooking.

Though I am far from an expert on Brazil, I was on the list to help with this month's event and so a-hunting I did go for some recipes online. The result was feijoada (a black bean and meat stew) and salada de batata com atum (potato salad with tuna.) The former called for four types of meat, including beef jerky, but as jerky was nowhere to be found I had to settle for two types of sausage and one cut of pork loin. (As I understand it, the true recipe calls for pork parts such as the belly, head and "pig's trotters" but I was not quite up to that challenge!) Both recipes were actually very tasty and were garnished with fresh parsley and green onions, which Pedro approvingly said put them "over the top." Either way, they were well-received and I enjoyed trying something new with the help of my husband who was my "co-chef." :)

all decorated and ready to begin

Even my daughter Isabel joined me in the preparations this month, as she carefully glued a Brazilian flag to each of our homemade placemats. She did a great job and the bright yellow, green and blue lent a festive air to our gathering.

Missionary colleague Kim Spink gave the devotional this month. We are working through Extraordinary Women of the Bible by Eunice Priddy, with one of the pastors' wives taking a chapter each month. This time Kim spoke on the life of Deborah and did a fantastic job. It was encouraging to be reminded that the same God who prepared and used Deborah to win a great victory for His people centuries ago, is the same God who prepares and uses us today!

Kim shares about the life of Deborah

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