Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ga-Ga for Gogo's

Have you ever heard of Gogo's? No?? Well, neither had we until a few months ago. But being that they are all the craze among kids in Iquique these days, it didn't take long for these alien-looking figurines to show up in our house.

According to the link above, the game itself is not new (toymakers claim it's been around for more than 2000 years.) As far as the colorful plastic version goes, though, my husband describes them as the marbles of our kids' current generation. The goal is to flick your Gogo and knock down your opponents' in order to claim their Gogo as a prize. However, this Mommy doesn't like the idea of spending money on toys only to lose them so playing the game this way is not allowed in our household! Instead, Owen likes to build Lego towers and take his guys on adventures across the living room.

I think they're kind of cute in a weird sort of way. But most of all I like to see my son using his imagination and creativity. He is definitely "ga-ga for Gogo's!"

1 comment:

Amundson Family Musings said...

My kids too!! Caleb and Hannah play them together. They send them flying to knock down eachother's gogos, but they dont' get to keep their siblings' gogos. At the end of the game each owner gets his or hers back again.