Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday School Ministry

Yumei, Francisca & Francisca

I have the privilege of co-teaching a Sunday School class for 3rd-6th graders at our church. As of a few months ago, these three lovely ladies were the extent of my students on a Sunday morning (if they all actually showed up on the same day!) Each of these girls has a story and while their stories are not mine to publicly share, suffice it to say that they have not had fairytale childhoods. Yet they are very sweet girls and it is a joy to interact with them two Sundays a month (the other teacher and I rotate every two weeks.)

Well, today was quite a surprise! Although only one of the three girls came to church, we still had a grand total of eight students in our class - exactly four boys and four girls. Six of the eight came as a direct result of the other teacher inviting them, as they all live in her immediate neighborhood. Apparently several of them attended last week when I was in Santiago, and even came to her house a couple of hours early expecting breakfast before church. :)

It is exciting to open God's Word with these new students and to lead them in memorizing and understanding Scripture. Please pray that I will be faithful and prepared to do so in a way that they can understand and that glorifies God. Hopefully I will have a "new and improved" class photo to share soon!

1 comment:

Sarah Beth said...

Thank you for sharing! The three girls look very sweet.

~Sarah Beth
"The Other Side"