Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SCA Ladies Bible Study

This semester I had the privilege of organizing a Bible study for moms connected to our ABWE MK school here in Santiago. "MK school" is a broad term, however, as not all of our students come from missionary homes. Represented among our moms were women from the United States, Chile, Canada and Indonesia; missionary wives, an embassy wife, and several professional working moms. We had young moms with nursing babies, several moms with children graduating and heading off to college, and moms with children all ages in between.

What a wonderful time we had together! We met on Wednesday mornings after dropping our kids off at school, shared breakfast together, prayed together for one another's needs, discussed our lessons studied throughout the week, and watched each new week's study on video. We laughed and we cried.

I think there is a flawed mentality, especially regarding missionary women, that they have it all together and do not need this kind of fellowship and accountability. Nothing could be farther from the truth! As women, we all need friendships and relationships to encourage, strengthen, and sharpen us. Often it is hard for women in ministry to find these relationships because of the expectations others place on them. This is what makes me extra thankful for the Bible study we shared this semester, and excited to do it again.

The pictures below were taken at our final brunch together:

1 comment:

ERIN lee said...

steph, so true! even missionary women need that accountability! looks and sounds like you all had alot of fun getting to know Jesus a little bit better!