Monday, September 10, 2007

The Taste of Independence

Yesterday we participated in a church picnic celebrating Chile's upcoming Fiestas Patrias (Independence Day celebrations.) There was fellowship, fun and of course ... food! Here are some pictures of traditional Chilean foods that may be eaten all year 'round, but are an integral part of celebrations this time of year.

(And to my MK friend from Chile, Kristi, who hates it when anyone posts pictures of delicious Chilean food that she is too far away to share at the moment ... please forgive me!)

Pan amasado (fresh, delicious bread)

Hard-boiled eggs with individual salt packages

Empanadas de pino al horno
(oven-baked pastries with a yummy meat and onion mixture inside)

Anticuchos (shish kebob)

Cuchufli filled with manjar (a caramel-like filling)

Candied apples

The makings of "mote con huesillo"
(more on that in another post)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Stephanie.....!!!!!