FLORECE volunteers and missionary appointee Jenn Taylor |
It was a busy, busy, busy (did I say BUSY?!) week. It was the week before officially opening FLORECE, with so many final details to coordinate and complete. On Sunday evening (September 25th) almost our entire volunteer staff was able to be present for the final training session of our current series, this time held in our training room at FLORECE. Our evening included an important time of questions and answers with Luisa, a lawyer friend who had offered her expertise, and a practical time of running through a client's visit so that we could all be on the same page regarding procedural matters.
legal workshop with attorney Luisa |
Normally I am not one to be publicly emotional, but found myself close to tears as we prepared to end our time together. I reminded the ladies of how long and far many of them had come in the past three years of learning and growing towards pro-life ministry. We applauded two of our volunteers for their commitment to this most recent recent training series which lasted sixteen weeks. Wilma, one of our quietest and most tenderhearted ladies, did not miss a single class. And Catalina missed only the first one due to being out of town when we began. That is faithfulness!
practical training and observation |
It was not the first time we had circled the reception area as a group to pray, but this time the weight of hope and expectation was upon us as we came before the Lord together. What a precious time it was. It is so humbling to be a part of this ministry, particularly to lead this special group of ladies who are stepping out in faith into something completely new and unfamiliar in Chile. To GOD be all the glory! We trust in Him to see us through.
words of challenge and encouragement |
As I mentioned, it was a BUSY week! Knowing in advance that one of our teammates would be traveling out of town, with my husband's blessing I set aside Tuesday as a full day for me at FLORECE - covering first my own shift in the morning, and filling in for her afternoon shift. Other volunteers came and went according to schedule, but Catalina remained with me throughout the entire day. By closing time we had a list of things that needed to be purchased before Saturday, so we quickly headed to the Zofri mall before it closed and completed our errands in record time. All told, I left my house around 7:20 in the morning and did not return home until 10:20 that night. I am so very grateful for my family's patience and support through this transition!
counseling room mural in progress |
We continued to push through many details as the week progressed and our official opening day on Saturday, October 1 approached. Friday was the final day to tackle what remained but there were no regularly scheduled shifts. Nonetheless a small group of us went to work, and I was blessed by the tireless efforts of my sisters in Christ who poured their dedication into tying up loose ends and making FLORECE look as beautiful as possible for those who might walk through its doors.
Bebe Boutique in progress |
Elisa carefully touched up some painting that needed a little TLC, working from morning to evening to get it completed. Maria patiently painted the door frames to our counseling rooms in the morning and again while corralling her busy four-year old son after she picked him up from school. Catalina spent hours painting beautiful flowers in our client bathroom and later applied her sewing skills to create a decorative yet useful finishing touch for that same room. At the end of such a busy week, I was beyond thankful for our wonderful ladies and their tangible commitment to the FLORECE ministry!
(L-R: Maria, Catalina, Elisa) |
Congratulations to you and your faithful ladies on 3 years of hard work. May the Lord richly bless all your efforts to His Glory.
Can't wait to hear stories about your ministry there!
How sweet it is to see dreams come true as GOD "shows off" So happy for all of you there in Iquique💗
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