Saturday, December 12, 2015

Deeper Conversations

As our children grow older, it is both thrilling and challenging to experience conversations on a deeper level with them. One avenue which has recently paved the way for this is our choice of family movies. Having exhausted most current clean, lighthearted children's films we have reflected on films that inspired us in the past and with parental oversight and a remote control in hand, have ventured into more thought-provoking territory.

It is interesting how watching a character face insurmountable odds can encourage one child to share his or her own fears, and another child to consider the importance of hope and courage. Or how loss depicted onscreen can prompt a discussion of heaven and what the Bible says about life after death. 

One topic that often appears unannounced in today's movies is adoption. While we try to be proactive and open in talking about adoption, we do wish for a "heads up" in these cases because the feelings stirred can be tender and sad. Nonetheless the conversations as a result are often honest and healing.

Today was one of those days as the boys and I watched a sometimes poignant, sometimes humorous story which raised many questions for one son in particular. He had much to ask afterwards. And it's amazing how when kids want to postpone bedtime, one line of thought can quickly multiply into dozens of rabbit trails! However, in this case a "rabbit trail" led us to talking intimately about each person's need for a Savior.

I am so thankful for these moments. Far too often I feel inadequate in fulfilling the parental commission of Deuteronomy 6 to teach God's Word and commands in such as way as to "impress them on your children [and] talk abut them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." But these moments encourage me as I witness the wheels turning and thought processes maturing in their minds. I pray God will continue to speak to them when our deeper conversations end. I pray they will hear and heed His still, small voice in their hearts!

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