Sunday, September 18, 2011

Why I Love September in Chile: Church

Every year our church in Iquique hosts an afternoon of special activities on the Sunday closest to the 18th of September. Usually it is very well attended and enjoyed by all! This year, however, the Dieciocho holiday itself fell right on Sunday and we were unsure if this would mean that folks would opt to celebrate with their families at home instead. When it was suggested that perhaps we should "downsize" the festivities this year to allow for that option, it was a pleasant surprise that most of our regular participants insisted that we not change a thing.

The truth is that almost everyone in Iquique is a "transplant" from other parts of Chile and even, like ourselves, from other parts of the world. While this undoubtedly allows for the possibility of loneliness or homesickness, on the other hand it means that friendships can become like family. It is certainly true within our church on special occasions like this one! And that is a sweet privilege indeed.

Pictures speak a thousand words, and I tried to compile ones of our family enjoying these special friendships last Sunday. I am thankful for the precious moments and memories!

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