Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pitter Patter Art

I love reading about the creative ways adopting families go about raising funds to bring their child/ren home. It is always so encouraging to see how God provides perfectly for each situation!

One family has an especially unique way of raising funds. Laura Kelley is a busy mom to three children already, but she is also a talented artist! She created Pitter Patter Art to showcase her creations, with all proceeds currently going towards the adoption of their third son (this is their second Ethiopian adoption.)

In addition to selling her artwork, she offers a giveaway each new month they are waiting for their son. Their 9-month giveaway is open until tomorrow night and is for a 10 x 10 canvas showcasing a 9-word verse: "But as for me, I will always have hope." Psalm 71:14

I would love to win this piece! My middle name is Hope; our daughter Isabel's middle name is Hope. And our purpose as missionaries revolves around Hope: our eternal Hope in Jesus Christ.

But perhaps you would like to win it, too! If so, just click over to the giveaway and follow the instructions for several ways to join in. See you there! :)

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