Thursday, May 26, 2011

Update on Sulait

See the silly little guy second from the left? That's our Sulait.

At the beginning of April I shared about Sulait, a child our family had committed to sponsor in Uganda. I have been meaning to give an update because of this most important detail/correction we received - Sulait is a boy, not a girl!

(As you may imagine, this bit of news made for one happy six-year old in our home. Owen was quite thrilled!)

Unless I'm mistaken, this is Sulait in a photo from Tonya's blog (same shoes!)

Tonya LaTorre, my friend whose family by way of a story only God could write "adopted" Sulait's entire orphanage, recently wrote to the sponsoring families about her upcoming missions trip to the orphanage in June. Each of us was given the opportunity to send something to our child if we wished, such as small toys, books, art supplies, toiletries, etc. She especially encouraged us to send photos of our family.

It was fun to head over to Walmart (online, of course!) and track down some things we thought Sulait might enjoy. I toyed with the idea of printing a photo album but wasn't sure how much a 4-year old would get out of it. Instead, I decided to do what I once did for our youngest sons when they were still far away in Haiti. I purchased a teddy bear wearing a sweatshirt with a photo of our family on it. According to Ian and Alec's nanny at the time, it was one of their favorite belongings (not that they had many) and to this day it is the one thing I regret that they weren't able to bring home after the earthquake. I hope Sulait likes his as well!

these are the orphanage children, including Sulait, who have no living parents

It is thrilling to see all the pieces coming together for the precious children at Kyengera. Tonya and her husband Craig have now created a non-profit organization to continue helping with this ministry. The website which is still under construction is Kirabo Seeds ( and is named in honor of their Ugandan daughter. Tonya is in constant close communication with the orphanage and through her blog passes along wonderful updates on the progress there. Here are just a few special days that she has recorded recently:
Arrival of School Uniforms
Arrival of Tables
Arrival of Bunkbeds
The smiles on the children's faces as God continues to provide miraculously for their needs would brighten anyone's day! It is such a privilege and a pleasure to be connected to this beautiful effort and I continue to hope and pray God allows us the opportunity to travel to Uganda one day to see Sulait and the mission firsthand. I would especially like to take my older children because I know it would be a life-changing trip for them. (Maybe even next year on furlough - I am asking God for that!)

Finally, because I couldn't resist I leave you with these pictures of my two baby boys with their teddy bears on my final visit to Haiti. Seeing these photos stirs up so many emotions but the greatest of all is gratitude. I am so thankful to serve a loving heavenly Father who cares for the little children of Haiti and the little children of Uganda!

1 comment:

Becky Dempsey said...

I like the pictures of Alec and Ian with their bears. They look so little! Could you buy replacement bears with t-shirts identical to the ones they had. It wouldn't be the exact ones that they'd had but it would still be special to them?