Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Newest Member of the "Transit Brigade"

Several weeks ago, Eva shared with us a desire to join her school's "Brigada de Transito." In fact, she was so excited about the prospect that all on her own she had already spoken personally with the director of the school and the school inspector! We were impressed by her initiative and at her urging I discussed the requirements with the inspector. (For the record, the "inspector" in a Chilean school is generally an older man, often retired from the military, who oversees the behavior of the children throughout the school day.)

He informed me that all that we needed to do was provide a pair of white gloves and a small sum to purchase the hat, belt and pin that would identify Eva as a member of the brigade. She stayed on our case daily until we had done all that was necessary and ever since has proudly donned her uniform each morning for school. Often she will come home and report on the problems she has solved during recess time. Other times she will lament the students who do not respect her and tell her to just "go away." Often her own sister falls into the latter category as she cannot wait to be in 4th grade and eligible for the brigade herself!

Last week was a huge highlight for Eva because on Monday the carabineros (Chilean police) came to the school and the members of the brigade marched in unison and saluted as trained by the inspector. It has been fun to listen to her stories and watch her blossom in this responsbility. What makes it even more interesting to us as her parents is that choosing to join the brigade seemed to be a direct result of having been repeatedly bothered by kids at recess. Usually the kids doing the bothering were young boys whom we have a hunch may be suffering their first crush over the cute "gringuita" - but regardless, Eva chose this route as a means of empowering herself against them which is quite a fascinating study in human nature!

At any rate, I am now a proud Mommy to a daughter in uniform and think she is just the cutest thing ever. Wouldn't you agree?? :)


Terri Fisher said...

I think she's adorable, too! Tell her Aunt Terri is proud of her, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Eva looks so professional! I can't wait to see her in person!
Tell her I love her hat and gloves!