Saturday, September 26, 2009

New Vocation

I think I've found a new vocation. I call it traductora de parto (birth translator) and it means just what it sounds like!

I spent the entire day at the hospital today, translating for my colleague and friend Kim as she labored to bring their newest baby into the world. That's one way to learn new vocabulary (in both Spanish and English.)

After many hours and much effort on her part, the day culminated with a c-section around 10:30 p.m. Most importantly, baby Joseph was born healthy and safe - a true son of Iquique with his late night arrival.

I was able to be in the room during Kim's c-section so between Joseph's arrival and that of my niece Kendra last year, I have had the privilege of witnessing two amazing and very different births.

It is a truly a privilege.


Terri Fisher said...

Please give my congratulations to Kim and Jon! Sometime you'll have to tell me what you thought of the c-section...Dave never liked witnessing them! :)

margaret mcsweeney said...


Thanks for reading my post on (In)Courage. You and your family are in my prayers. Thanks for serving as missionaries!

God bless,
