Friday, August 28, 2009

Matrimonios Ministry

One of the ministries that Pedro and I lead is the "matrimonios" (married couples') ministry at church. It is definitely one of our favorites! We have had the privilege on different occasions in our married life to experience great fellowship and friendship with other married couples, as well to be edified and challenged through those relationships. There are many struggles common to husbands and wives that can be made easier with someone walking beside us and speaking Bible truth into our lives.

Because of this, it is a joy to plan monthly meetings which include fun games, yummy food, and teaching that is relevant to the issues married couples face. Many of our couples do not have the habit of regular "date nights" and seem to really look forward to this time away from the responsibilities of children and home for a few hours. There is much laughter (some games get crazier than others!) and little by little new friendships are being formed and trust is being built.

a time of sharing after the teaching time

enjoying one another's stories and perspectives

younger and older couples sharing together


David and Anna said...

Do you have a specific source for finding game/theme ideas? We're involved with a similar ministry here and are looking for a little more structure to the group.

Anonymous said...

We were blessed in Lapeer to have a strong young marrieds group. Strong, lasting friendships developed. I rejoice with you for this wonderful opportunity/ministry. I have been reading a book for my personal spiritual development. It has transformed me as a spouse. I wish I had it starting out. It also is in Spanish. Interested. I highly recommend it. It is for wives only. It is titled Created to Be His Helpmate. I have used it for ministry as well. I am presently discipling a young Christian woman in church using this. Author Debi Pearl. I will send it if you are interested. Love, Mom