Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Currently Reading

While the truth is that I am currently in the midst of half a dozen different books, this is the one I am trying to focus on right now. I first heard of it at the WOTH conference in Santiago, where our main speaker was one of the co-authors of the book. Entitled Holy Habits: A Woman's Guide to Intentional Living, the book had me in tears by the introduction because it chronicles the journey of a woman who experienced the privilege of having godly parents and of growing up on the mission field (sound familiar?) but still struggled to find personal intimacy with God.

One of the first issues she addresses is one that I struggle with daily - that of using time wisely, and of recognizing that my actions (or inaction) today will have ripple effects on others.
Although I had given my life to God, somehow I still thought of my time as my own. But a lifetime is made up of minutes either used purposefully or wastefully. What I was doing with my time now would make a different in where I was at the end of my life ... I wanted the investment of my life to pay dividends in the lives of those around me.
(As a side note, I read an excellent blog post by Kerry Hasenbalg on this same subject recently. You can read it here: Is Jesus Enough?)

The author of Holy Habits also points out that change will not simply happen on its own.
I cannot reach the end without going through the process.
In each chapter, she shares "holy habits" which help keep our focus and priorities on the Lord, fostering a deeper relationship and intimacy with him.
Our part is to make it a habit to know Him. His part is to make us holy.
I still have a number of chapters to go, but I recommend this book if you are looking for encouragement in your walk with God. It certainly has encouraged mine.

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