Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And about Those Tremors

Iquique is known for having a lot of seismic activity. So far, I personally have felt two tremors. One was early in the morning and was rather gentle but long ; the other was tonight and was pretty rough but short.

Thankfully, the kids haven't felt them yet. However, I'm starting to think it would be better for them to experience at least one with Mommy and Daddy at their side than for them to go through one at school without any prior experience. I am most worried about Eva, who gets scared so easily (the other night she was crying in bed because she said she kept hearing keys and she was afraid we were leaving - and she stills follows me from floor to floor in the house just to make sure she knows exactly where I am.)

One of the ladies from our church (Maria) has her degree as a mining engineer. She said her son isn't scared of the tremors because she has taught him that there are cracks in the rocks under the earth's surface and when the ground shakes, it is just those rocks trying to align themselves back into position. Somehow I don't think that telling Eva there are cracks under the ground would be reassuring to her, though! :)

Maria also said that the kids are taught in school to prepare for the tremors and earthquakes. They are told that if the shaking is not strong enough to knock them to the ground, all they need to do is hide under their desks. But if the shaking is strong enough to cause them to fall, they need to run up the mountain to escape a possible tsunami. Periodically the schools do emergency drills to prepare for such an eventuality.

So tell me, does reading that last paragraph make you feel just as reassured as I felt? Yeah ... exactly. Needless to say, this is a concern that is always at the back of my mind but more so on nights like tonight. Just another exciting part of life in northern Chile! :)


A woman looking for God said...

I lived in antofagasta when I was 5-8 that was a while back!!!!! We have never had a tsunami I know you and the kids are safe!!!
Camila did things like Eva. She at times of change in her life needs to sleep with me it reassures her. Ket her do it and she will let go
Just enjoy it they dont follow you much when they are teen agers
By the way, your kids are not lettle anymore they are growing fast

A woman looking for God said...

I lived in antofagasta when I was 5-8 that was a while back!!!!! We have never had a tsunami I know you and the kids are safe!!!
Camila did things like Eva. She at times of change in her life needs to sleep with me it reassures her. Ket her do it and she will let go
Just enjoy it they dont follow you much when they are teen agers
By the way, your kids are not lettle anymore they are growing fast

Terri Fisher said...

Sounds like life in northern Chile isn't for the weak-hearted! I'll be praying for Eva...sounds like you should do some prep on the tremor thing before school starts, huh? It's one of those "better to hear it from home first" kind of things, I think!

Melissa said...

I'm not sure if cracks would be reassuring or not. But I guess it would be good for her to know that they can be expected.