Tuesday, April 01, 2008

A Week to Remember

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
-Winston Churchill

I read this quote today and immediately thought of our friends who recently came to Chile for a week’s “vacation” – where most of what they did was roll up their sleeves and work!

We were excited about their visit; enjoyed their company; appreciated their efforts; and admired their family’s vision for using spring break as a tool to spend time together giving to others. (Last year, they spent the week serving orphans in the Dominican Republic!)

Although we have known each other for several years, this was the first opportunity we had to spend an extended amount of time together and really get to know one another. We were challenged by the intentionality of their Christian walk and parenting, and blessed by their generous spirits – not only toward us, but towards everyone they served here!

The four boys and their dad spent several very long days turning our seminary chapel cheery and bright as they painted it a two-tone cream and yellow. It looks beautiful! Their mom spent countless hours photographing the students from the MK school and even providing a senior photo shoot on location at a historic spot in downtown Santiago. And one day, we all went to a pre-school for at-risk children and interacted with the students there.

It was a great week and one we will remember fondly for years to come … Thank you for your special ministry here in Chile!

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