Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Two Special Boys

The poem from the previous post moved me to tears when I first read it. I am sure that it will have the same effect on some of you. But it also filled my heart with pride and gratitude for two very special boys I know.

They happen to be my nephews.

At ages 3 and 6, they were young enough to have long years of life ahead of them … yet old enough to have long years of pain behind them.

They were young enough to be molded … yet old enough to be wounded.

They were young enough to be adopted … yet old enough to be overlooked.

They were young enough to forget … yet old enough to remember.

They were young enough to learn … yet old enough to test the boundaries.

They were young enough to hunger for love … yet old enough to sometimes reject it.

And then they became woven into the tapestry of our family through the act of adoption on the part of my sister Terri and her husband Dave.

And this is what I’ve learned.

They may have had pain … Yet He is their comfort.

They may have a past … Yet He is their future.

They may have been wounded … Yet He is their healer.

They may have been overlooked … Yet He knew their names.

They may have remembered … Yet He makes things new.

They may have tested … Yet He is unmoveable.

They may have hungered … Yet He has satisfied.

I am very proud of them and the young men they are becoming. And I think He is, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great hearttouching post!