Right now, our plan is to pursue our permanent residency during the first 18 months we are in Chile. At that point, our ministry will lead us to a city in northern Chile (hopefully with papers in hand!) and it is there - if the Lord allows - that we will begin our adoption process. We will only be able to work with one particular agency because only one government agency handles adoption in cities outside of the capital (in the capital, there are four different agencies.) From what I understand, the process often takes 1-2 years.
However, the upside is that in the smaller cities there are usually fewer families waiting, the cost is only around $400 (the cost of a psychological evaluation), and we can actually have our name circulated among the branches of this agency throughout the entire country as long as we are willing to travel to pick up our child or children. I say "children" because it is likely that we may request or at least be open to siblings ... for a long time now, I have had a picture of a brother and sister in my mind whenever I think of adopting from Chile. Who knows??
Since we are foreigners and already have children, we still won't be at the "top of the list" but we anticipate opening our hearts to a child (or siblings) of any age younger than Owen at that time, which would probably be 0-3 or 4 years old.
As my dad remarked this week, our plans were different than this but God's ways are higher than ours ... we thought the best for our family was for Owen to have a brother who shared his race, but God has something else in mind. Dad also reminded us that one of the greatest and quickest ways to build a lasting relationship with the Chilean people is to love one of their children as our own.
We do not know what the future holds in store but will continue moving forward as God leads ... One thing He has definitely impressed upon my heart is that I need to make Him my all in all, far beyond our quest for any future children. Please pray that I would be sensitive and obedient to Him in this area in the days and years ahead!
Stephanie - You are most definitely in my prayers. I just know God has an awesome plan for you and Pedro and I can't wait to see what it may be!!!! Thanks for all the sweet comments on my blog.
I appreciate so your support and truly miss our chats. Any up-dates on the house? Love you - Pep
My sweet Steph...
I most certainly can and will pray with you on that!
I love you!
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