Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Adoption Update

Many of you know that we have begun the process to adopt again ... so, I thought it might be enlightening to share the process with anyone who may be interested at this juncture! (:

God has graciously provided two adoption grants, and we are hoping and praying about a third grant for which we have been in serious consideration for some time which would provide the remaining funds needed for this adoption. Each member of our family, from the oldest to the youngest, has undergone physicals and TB tests; Pedro and I have been fingerprinted and received clearances from the FBI; we have requested letters of reference; we have filled out much paperwork; we have gathered important documents and financial information; and we are currently waiting on our social worker here in Texas to schedule an appointment in our home to interview each member of our family, inspect our living environment, and (Lord willing!) approve us to adopt once again.

In the meantime, we continue to be on the waiting list with our adoption agency in San Antonio to adopt a baby boy of African or African American heritage. We have been contacted several times about possible situations and have even spoken with a potential birthmother who ended up choosing another couple. Yet, we are confident that if it is God's will to give us another child He will do so in His perfect time and perfect way. As a family, we already pray for this "baby brother" and the girls often speak of him by the name we have chosen.

And so ... I hope we will be sharing an even more exciting "Adoption Update" with you someday very soon!

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