Thursday, August 18, 2005

ATM training seminar

This is the two-day training that Stephanie experienced in Ohio this week. No, it was not all about how to withdraw cash from the electronic teller! ATM stands for "Abstinence Til Marriage" and is a phenomenal, federally-funded program of abstinence education being taught in the Ohio public schools. The information was very eye-opening and the need is so great in our country today. Parents truly have no idea of the devastating choices being made by today's teens and the tragic consequences of those choices!

In the 60's, there were only 2 major STD's (sexually transmitted diseases). Today, there are over 30 major STD's and 1 in every 4 sexually active teens in the US has one of these diseases. Yet these infected teens may be completely unaware for months or even years because the majority of these diseases do not show physical symptoms initially. Of course, beyond the physical consequences of pain, disfigurement, infertility, and even death are the emotional and spiritual consequences of breaking God's law.

As Christians, we must not hide our light under a bushel ... we must with boldness and compassion do our part to reach this generation of young people for Christ!

What a challenge ... though crisis pregnancy ministry is a vital ministry of "picking up the pieces" ... what if we could prevent our teens from ever jumping off that cliff? We cannot just ignore the problem, as terrifying as it may be to confront such a dreadful reality. We must be willing to be used of God so that we will shine as lights in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation (Phil 2:15)!

Will we do it?

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