Friday, August 17, 2012

Meanwhile Back in Iquique

I have been meaning for some time to post about the changes taking place in Iquique while we are on home ministry/furlough. It is said that pictures "speak a thousand words" so I present you with several of the roof project at the Iglesia Bautista Misionera: 

original "tent" roof in 2011

after removal of the "tent" roof and prior to new roof

a roof in progress

roof finished and room brightened

Other renovations have been completed on the walls, entryway and front patio. One wall was widened to allow about 20 more chairs in what was formerly an overflow-type area. Through it all we have heard encouraging reports from our colleagues as to the positive spirit among our Chilean brothers and sisters in Christ, and their willingness to flex and improvise while these changes are being made. 

For a number of weeks the church folks met as small groups in homes while the roof project was ongoing. Many testified to the blessing of getting to know one another in a more intimate setting and the joy of welcoming some first-time visitors who felt more comfortable in a home gathering than a church building. And all expressed anticipation and a thrill at being reunited once again in our church "home" as a body of believers! 

We, too, feel anticipation toward a reunion (come January) with the men and women God has allowed us the privilege of ministering among in northern Chile. Please continue to pray that He would do a good work in and through us and our co-laborers for the cause of Jesus Christ in Iquique!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Home your transition back goes well!