Our Father's Day was chaotic but fun, finally braking squeakingly to a halt at nearly midnight - which is why this post is a "day late and a dollar short!" But I didn't want to let the holiday slip away without recognizing the special men in my life who make the title "Dad" one to respect and admire: my dad, Pastor Jim Christian; my father-in-law, Pastor Pedro Garcia, Jr.; and of course, my husband, Pastor Pedro Garcia III.
My dad is one of the most hard-working people I know, and also one of the wisest. He is trustworthy and kind. I value his godly counsel and treasure his approval. And I love his sweet relationship with my children (his grandchildren!)
My father-in-law is one of the funniest men I know. Ever since I married his son fourteen years ago, I have made it a personal goal to make him laugh every time we talk to each other. I love his heart for people and for God, and I appreciate his encouragement and affirmation in our lives.
My husband is the best blend of both of our dads! He is wise in his counsel and caring in his relationships. He is fun-loving but focused. He puts up with crazy 'ol me and five crazy kids ... what else could I say?? I am so thankful for the way he loves us and makes us laugh.
I am so blessed to have these three wonderful dads in my life and my children' life. Happy Father's Day to three of the best men I know!
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