Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day from Owen

The World Cup was the theme for today's Father's Day program at Owen's jardin.

First the class recited a poem in English. Owen memorized it really well - so well, in fact, that he pronounced it exactly as his Chilean English teacher taught him. So instead of "his" it's "heees" but it sounds totally cute anyway. :)

Then came the "Cancion del Mundial" which Owen and his classmate Felipe lipsynched. Where Owen got the idea of "combing" his hair halfway through, I have no idea! But he had a great time doing so. (Please note that the poor conflicted MK has Chile's flag on his forehead and USA's flag on his back. No wonder he's so confused!)

Little brother Alec wanted to imitate big brother Owen when he saw his red, white and blue headband this morning. He got my attention and insistently pointed at his own forehead until I found him a headband of his own! Then he went on to do his own version of Owen's song and dance (which you can watch on our adoption blog here.)


Unknown said...

What a cutie!
Congratulations on his graduation.
He looks like a hip hop rocker for sure!

Carla said...

Very cute!