Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Logistics - Update

We just received word that after a very long journey, Pastor Sandra did make it to Chiguayante. Apparently the road into the town was blocked off by townspeople (it sounded like possibly armed) who fear looters. So in order to enter they had to be personally escorted by Pastor Esteban.

Thankfully, Pastor Esteban's home is fine and the main need at this time is supplies (food and water.) They do not have the resources to house and feed visitors so it seems best to quickly deliver the supplies and then return for more, which is what Pastor Sandro did today. Apparently a second car from a supporting church will be heading down tomorrow, and another on Saturday.

Also, there is a toque de queda (curfew) in effect for safety. In Chiguayante, it is from 6 p.m. to noon so there is only a six-hour window to arrive and deliver supplies.

Please continue to pray for wisdom, provision and protection for everyone involved and for many opportunities to share Christ by meeting physical and spiritual needs in southern Chile.

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