Monday, November 02, 2009

The Titus Task

Recently an online search for "haiti adoption" led me to The Titus Task, a 501c3 organization in Northwest Arkansas which has as its purpose to "support local NW Arkansas families who are in the process of domestic or international adoption ... [and] to provide practical support for orphans worldwide to sustain life of those waiting for a family."

It is the story behind The Titus Task that touched my heart. In 2007, Noel and Lori Tugwell traveled to Haiti to meet their two beautiful sons: Silas, then 21 months old and Titus, then 7 months old. Titus in particular had suffered from malnourishment and at the time of their visit weighed only 9 pounds. Sadly, just two months after their visit the Tugwells received the unexpected and heartbreaking news that Titus had died in his sleep at the orphanage.

It was this loss that prompted Noel and Lori to create The Titus Task. Recently they hosted their First Annual 5K and 1-mile Run Family Fun Run with a total of 234 runners and walkers. As Lori described it: "It was everything we had prayed for and more. God was present and Titus was remembered. People gave from their hearts to help more orphans, like Titus, have a family."

As we wait to bring home our own two boys from Haiti (one of whom also suffered from malnourishment and weighed only 6.5 pounds at 4 months old) I cannot help but feel tremendous empathy for this family and admiration for how they have allowed God to turn their sorrow into a ministry for others. I have added the Tugwells' blog to the list on my sidebar and look forward to following their continuing journey. Their son Silas arrived home in March of 2009 and although they did not plan or expect it, God chose to place another son in their lives as well. Louis, who will be twelve years old this month, is still in Haiti and they are praying for his homecoming before Christmas.

I am praying that Christmas will be a time of homecoming for us all.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

i JUST read about this yesterday on a local blog. This is where we live. When I read that they had adopted from Haiti, I found myself praying for you.