Monday, November 09, 2009

Lesson Learned

I didn't make it to English class tonight.

Minutes before our babysitter was due to arrive, the scene in our house was one of emotional chaos. Three children fighting, crying, arguing, and altogether falling apart. Two parents with frazzled nerves, short tempers, and conflicting responsibilities. In a moment of clarity I recognized that it was simply not worth it for both Pedro and I to walk out on our children in this state, and he agreed.

Correction was applied where necessary. Daddy went and Mommy stayed. Serious conversations took place. Apologies were offered and accepted. Emotions cooled. We prayed; we read a story; and then it was off to bed with everyone fully cooperating. What a change!

We've learned a lesson the hard way this year. Even though the overlap between our leaving and the children's bedtime is only half an hour at most, it's half an hour too long for both Mommy and Daddy to be gone twice a week. Even though we have a faithful babysitter who the children trust and like, it's still not the same as having a parent kiss them goodnight. Tonight I asked them to have patience for just a few more weeks as we finish out the commitment we have made, and promised that in the future at least one of us (either Mommy or Daddy) will be home with them at night.

Last week we returned from English class to find Eva asleep in our bed. A handwritten note lay on the pillow beside her. In her cute childish scrawl and amidst several little drawings she had written: "Mommy and Daddy I cry alittel wen you are not here! Mommy and Daddy I (heart heart heart heart heart) love you."

Lesson learned, indeed.


Amundson Family Musings said...


Someone once gave us some VERY WISE advice... If you were off to an obligation of some kind and your kids broke their arm, cut themselves so badly they needed stitches etc... would you not take them to the emergency room? OF COURSE! The obligation would go by the wayside and the emergency would be placed as priority number ONE. Well, with kids and disobedience it is the same. A spiritual "emergency." We need as parents to take the time to deal with the "emergency" and lead them to the great physician to get healing before moving on to our obligation. I admire your choice last night! WELL DONE!! Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 - There is a time for everything and you guys are in the heart of parenting!

Sarah Beth said...

Wow. It's amazing how kids know when they just need mommy. Praise the Lord that your heart is tender to hear His voice through your children. : ) May God bless and I hope today is calm and easy! ; )

Smiling for Jesus,

Sarah Beth

Erin said...

ahhh steph!!! isn't it amazing the lessons our children can teach us! sweet sweet eva. i miss your kids!