Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Please Help! (int'l adoption question)

Once again I find myself on the edge of a nervous breakdown (well, close anyway!) due to paperwork issues and being unable to find a clear answer to our current situation.

We renewed our fingerprints prior to them expiring, but the consensus was that we did not/could not file for an extension of the I-171H because we had already filed an I-600 in Haiti last September.

Now we face the issue of our homestudy expiring.

It expires October 8, right when I am in Haiti. Lest you think we've been putting this off until the last minute, let me clarify that for quite some time we have been researching how to get this update done since it involves having to fly a US-licensed social worker down to Chile for just this purpose. It has taken awhile to hear back from people and to figure out who is available/willing/qualified to do so.

My question is, do we have to file the updated homestudy before the original expires? Because honestly, I don't know if it is going to happen. And if we don't, how does that affect us? Can we simply submit the new one when it's done? I know that with the original I-600 we could simply provide a letter that the homestudy was in process and would be arriving shortly thereafter.

Please help! I have an e-mail in to our adoption agency; another to the SW who did our original study; and even one to USCIS in Haiti. If you know anything about this, please give me some insight. Thank you!

1 comment:

Holley said...

Oh, girl, I so wish I had an answer! I'm praying one comes your way soon and for peace in this process!