Sunday, September 20, 2009

Matrimonios Ministry, Dieciocho-Style

On Saturday evening we enjoyed our monthly matrimonios meeting, Dieciocho-style! The evening began with choripanes and anticuchos on the grill, followed by a time of Biblical teaching on the topic of the husband's role in marriage.

This second half of the lesson was focused on the husband's role as lover (the first was the husband's role as leader) and generated plenty of comments and laughter from those present. The study was intended to be very practical and offered suggestions on how to selflessly love your wife; for instance, helping with chores around the house. In our Latin host culture, Pedro may have stepped on a few toes - especially when he challenged the husbands to consider that in a Biblical worldview there is no such things as "women's work!" In fact, I jokingly asked him before the meeting, "Do you want to make everyone mad at you?" Truthfully, however, it was beneficial and challenging while still being well received by those in attendance.

Following the Bible study, we laughed our way through a variety of crazy games - everything from digging through harina tostada for a small stone (no hands allowed!) to eating a hanging apple as a couple (also with no hands allowed!) In honor of the Dieciocho, we had a Chile facts competition; a karaoke competition of traditional Chilean songs; and a cueca contest.

Once again, it was a delight to spend this time with friends and visitors as we celebrated not only Chile's independence day but also the gift of marriage as God has intended it. The pictures below will give you a small glimpse of what it was all about!

(P.S. I have included a number of links in this post, for those who are interested in learning more about a variety of aspects of Chilean culture. Make sure and check them out!)

my contribution: Chilean flag cake

enjoying the anticuchos

Karina and Debora

Jon and Antonio

Kim and Maria

egg relay race

egg cracking game

harina tostada game

apple eating contest

Chilean cueca

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