Monday, September 07, 2009

Garden of Love

A garden of Love grows in a Grandmother's heart.
~Author Unknown

I am so happy to share that Ian and Alec's grandmother - my mom - is going to have the opportunity to meet the two newest "blossoms" in her garden of Love. God works in wonderful and mysterious ways and even through Facebook statuses!

Recently I posted a wish that my sister might be able to join me on my trip to see the boys in October. Soon thereafter she received a very unexpected e-mail from someone who wished to remain anonymous, offering to pay her way to Haiti! When it became apparent that due to schedule conflicts and the needs of her four young children my sister would be unable to come, this sweet giver offered to send my mom instead.

I cannot express how deeply happy I am to have my mom with me on this trip.

Unlike the last trip, which was my first visit alone to Haiti, I don't have to fear the many unknowns. I look forward to seeing familiar faces and am thankful to have a much better idea about what is in store. But the fact that someone in my immediate family (outside of my husband, who was with me last September) will be able to share the sights, sounds, and searing sensations of Haiti with me - and will forever be able to connect in that way with my children and their history and heritage - is such a tremendous blessing.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. To the giver who made this all possible; to my sister who truly wanted to go but understood her family's needs and was willing to help our mom go instead; and to my mom for stepping outside her comfort zone for her daughter and her two newest grandsons.

I am truly grateful.


Noella said...

So awesome to see how God has provided for this special trip to see your boys!

C.C. and Double T said...

Amazing and beautiful to see how good God truly is!

Betsy said...

Felicitaciones por tu nuevo blog... es muy chic... no siempre lo visito es que me toma tiempo el traducir... pero lo hago ahora mismo vi tus fotos y mensajes esta hermoso cariños

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and your mom!!!! This will be a very special time.

FYI - Love the new look to your blog!!!!!

--Karen H

Kathy (Mom/Grandma) said...

I am so happy for you and your mom, Steph. A little envious as well. God is so good! When do you go?