Friday, June 26, 2009

Houses & Hobbies

I have a new obsession hobby.

Several nights a week, I find myself logging on to and looking for houses in Michigan.

I know it’s silly. I know we have no money. I know we won’t even be back in Michigan for at least two more years. But I can’t help myself! I have a dream that somehow we could purchase a house now that they are so (relatively) inexpensive and then forever have a place to call home when we go back to the States on furloughs.

I have to remind myself that “sufficient for each day is the trouble thereof” because honestly, I am already worrying about this. Affordable homes to rent in Iquique are so hard to come by that we face the possibility of having to find a housesitter and continue to pay rent while we are on furlough in order to hang onto the house we have now. If that were the case, I don’t see how we could also pay rent in the States. But, one day at a time!

It’s fun, though. If I could have my pick right now, these are some of the houses I would consider:

This one in Lapeer is spacious with four bedrooms and has an updated kitchen and central air.

This one in Columbiaville has gorgeous wood floors, a spacious kitchen with a breakfast nook, and a fenced-in yard.

We've always loved old farmhouses. They were built for families with lots of kids (although you wouldn't know it by the number of bathrooms!) This one is huge and has a full acre of land.

Pedro and I have lived in Lapeer, North Branch and Marlette and have to admit that we're partial to Marlette (no offense to our wonderful friends elsewhere!) Pedro likes this house because even though it's not the fanciest on the inside, it has huge rooms, 10 acres of land, a pole barn and a pond (the latter two are pictured here.)

And finally, even though this house is smaller I think it is just the cutest thing ever. I love the warm wood in the kitchen and the steps leading up to a room above. It definitely has character!

So now that you know my latest hobby ... what's yours??


Heather Marie said...

my hobby appears to be reading your blogs!


Cari said...

I could house-sit for you. We live in MI and my brother is a realtor! :)

All the houses you listed are very nice, and I agree with you on the last one having the most charm and character.

I would love to get out to country livin' again as that was where I partly grew up, but the Lord has us in a smaller town that is also nice for running quick trips to/from the kids programs, school and church.

My hobby...hmmm...anything with home improvement, and I like to travel but don't get to do that very much.