*edited to add that the words, not the tune, are Eva's creation ... thanks to Holly for reminding me about that! :)
Eva made up the words to this song completely on her own the other night. (Not the tune, as it is one you will all recognize!) She even painstakingly wrote the lyrics neatly on note cards and we video'd repeated "takes" as she tried to put the words to the proper music and rhythm! This one's my favorite, though, because I love the line that says: "I know God gave me a sister for a reason" ... I had to keep from laughing at that point so as not to offend my budding musician!! :) But in all seriousness, I was moved by her sweet and sincere thoughts about God and was so proud of my little girl for expressing her admiration for her Heavenly Father in this way.

It sounds strangely like The First Noel! ;) With a few different notes. :) Cute!
How cute!
Please tell Eva that I really liked her song. She may be our next songwriter in the family! Love, Mommom
That was so cute. Such sweet sweet sound to the Lord! That was cute what she add about her sister. You could have a song writer on your hands.
On a side note yes that is my house in the picture. We enjoy it.
God Bless
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