Sunday, October 05, 2008

He Is Good

I had someone innocently ask me after hearing about Owen’s broken leg, if this was my first emergency as a mom.

Um, no.

Her question got me to thinking about how many emergencies we have faced with our kids, and while thankfully most have not been life-threatening there have certainly been a lot of them!

Eva went to the emergency room for stitches after her heel was slammed in a metal screen door at age five.

Isabel took a middle-of-the-night ambulance ride in an unknown city in Canada after she fell off a high bed at our hotel and experienced seizure-like symptoms at age one and a half.

Owen visited the emergency room (and was subsequently hospitalized) three times in six months, twice for asthma attacks and once for his broken femur at age three.

In addition …

Eva was born with a small hole in her heart which required regular visits to the cardiologist and EKG’s when she was an infant.

Isabel nearly died at birth and spent her first week of life at the NICU. Later she was diagnosed with mild cerebral palsy and she has since become a pro at meeting new doctors, therapists and orthotists on a regular basis.

Owen spent the first 17 days of his life in the NICU due to his prematurity. He had minor outpatient surgery (adenoidectomy) at one and half years old due to sleep apnea, and since then has kept us hopping with breathing issues (asthma) and now his broken leg.

The irony of all of this is that I actually have to look some of these things up in order to remember them now. We’ve had an exciting time with health issues but there have been so many other truly exciting things in our lives as well, that we keep moving forward and rarely look back! But sometimes it’s good to remember because it gives us all the more reason to praise God for His faithfulness - in the glad times, in the bad times, in the scary times and the waiting times … He is good.

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