Saturday, September 13, 2008

NY Times Article - Chilean Youth

Just last night, I wrote the recap of last weekend's events; and today, I received an e-mail from Evelyn with a link to a New York times story about the "sexual awakening" in Chile.

It is truly an unbelievable, and extremely disturbing article. Accompanying it is a slide show of images highlighting many of the main points.

It touches on almost all the topics that Pastor Cristian shared with us just last weekend, many things which we were hearing for the very first time but which the article confirms. Sexual behavior is out of control in a generation that is pushing the limits of the "freedom" their parents and grandparents fought for in a dictatorial society.

Please pray for the youth of Chile! Ironically, just today I was in the emergency room at our local hospital and was approached by a medical student completing a survey about the HPV vaccine. The topic of sexuality is all around us here. Propaganda is "in your face;" even coming from Peru, Evelyn and her assistant were surprised at how bold and erotic the images shown in public are. The bottom line is that what the Chilean youth truly need is not a sex education program in schools as the article hints (although an abstinence-based program can be a good start) but a spiritual awakening.

And as you pray for the youth of Chile, pray for missionary families serving here as well. We worry about our kids, because despite our attempts to protect them from exposure to all the "junk" out there, images are everywhere. We as adults need to be on guard as well. Please pray for protection over our hearts and minds. The need is great!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

This article really got to me. The only thing that will change this situation is the gospel of Christ. Praying for this.