Sunday, August 03, 2008

A New School Year

... starts tomorrow for our girls. Eva will be entering 2nd grade, and Isabel will be entering 1st. As it turns out, in our small MK school those grades are combined - which means that both of our girls and their cousin Matias will all be in the same class! Watch out, Miss Sharon! (:

Because Isabel did one semester of Kindergarten in Spanish and also due to her being one of the younger students in her class, we had seriously considered having her repeat a semester of Kindergarten. However, both last year's Kindergarten teacher and this year's teacher interacted with her and felt she was capable of 1st grade and would be bored if she was kept back. Isabel is very excited and we know she will give it her all! The greatest adjustments will be physical and emotional as she adjusts to a full day without a nap/rest break. Due to her CP, her body tires easily and the result of too many tired days in a row is often a bit of an emotional meltdown. We appreciate your prayers that God will give her strength for each day!

While Isabel is thrilled about starting school, Eva is not. The bottom line is that she enjoys the social interaction but not the work! We've had many conversations about how work is not a bad thing, and in fact is part of God's plan for our lives. I have been trying recently to bring these conversations back to God's Word so that she can see that it is not Mommy's idea but God's idea for her to go to school, use her mind, learn and grow (thank you, Lord, for the book of Proverbs!)

So tomorrow is a big day for our family. And in just two more weeks - August 19 - Pedro and I will be experiencing a really big day as we fly out to Haiti! More about that trip to be shared on our adoption blog.

Have a blessed night!

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