On any given day, at any given time, Owen will start talking out of the blue about some supposed adventure he has had with his cousin Micah. I say "supposed" because half the time it is obvious that his story doesn't quite add up! But he tells it so convincingly and with such animation that it's worth listening to anyway. (:
Last night, Pedro was up late working on his class notes and I was reading a book when we heard Owen start talking in his sleep. I jokingly told Pedro that Owen must be talking about Micah even in his dreams! Shortly afterwards, I went in to give Owen some medicine for his cough. Half-asleep, he sat up and said: "My foot hurts!" I asked him why, and sure enough his response was: "Because Micah drooled on it! Micah drooled on it from the outside!"
He cracks me up.

Last night, Owen rode home in his cousins' car. He was extremely tired, sick with a bad cold, and pretty much out of it - so much so that he didn't say a word to anyone the whole time. Micah kept trying to talk to Owen and was very concerned about his lack of response. He said: "Owen, aren't you my friend anymore? Owen, talk to me! You used to be my friend; why aren't you my friend anymore?" and even though his mommy tried to assure him that Owen was just too tired to talk, Micah was very upset about "losing" his friend! (:

1 comment:
I too loved watching these two play together. I think they mirror their daddy's relationship. How wonderful to not only be cousins but best friends!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Karen Heald
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