Our Chilean pastor's wife, Betsy, will be operated on today (Monday, June 23) around noon. You would never know it by meeting and interacting with her - she is such an energetic and passionate person - but she has struggled much of her life with serious health issues. Last year she received an organ transplant, which while successful has now resulted in an abdominal hernia which needs to be urgently addressed through this surgery.
The surgery will require some work at the site of the original transplant scar and due to the immunosuppressant drugs Betsy must take, there is a greater risk of rejection and infection.
Please pray for Betsy, her husband Cristian and their twin 10-year old daughters as she undergoes this surgery. Cristian has specifically asked us to pray
- for them to take advantage of this opportunity to glorify God
- for the surgery itself
- for their daughters and family in general
- for financial provision to cover the costs of the surgery
Praying, too!
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