Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Question of the Day (edited with Answer)

Q: What would make a 10-ton cement truck brake suddenly in the middle of a busy rotonda (roundabout) in the middle of the day in Chile, bringing the cars behind it - including ours - to a complete stop with it?

Let's hear your thoughts!

A: Our "anonymous" commenter was right (of course, he had already heard the story!) ... what made the 10-ton cement truck brake suddenly in the middle of a busy rotonda in the middle of the day in Chile was nothing less than two (out of the hundreds of) street dogs "getting to know each other" right in the middle of the road! He stopped for that!? Only in Chile!!

It was fun reading your comments ... thanks for participating! (:


Alisha said...

Dog, kid on a bike, guy selling something, horse-drawn cart...who knows, its Santiago!?!?

David and Kristi Flinck said...

Oh...let me count the ways.

1. A man juggling on the corner dropped a pin and it bounded out into traffic, thus causing the 10-ton cement truck to brake suddenly in the middle of the busy rotonda.

2. An errant pass by two boys playing soccer in the grassy area cause the ball to bounce out into traffic, thus causing the 10-ton cement truck to brake suddenly in the middle of the busy rotonda.

3. Due to the "lack of censorship" on the billboard the driver was distracted and didn't see the merging ice cream truck, thus causing the 10-ton cement truck to brake suddenly in the middle of the busy rotonda.

4. A disorientated abuelito foolishly attempted to take a "short-cut" across the roundabout with several plastic Lider bags in hand, thus causing the 10-ton cement truck to brake suddenly in the middle of the busy rotonda.

Are any of those scenarios close?

Kathy's Korner said...

A cat?

Trying to think of a something everydayish! ;)

Anonymous said...

dogs participating in unabashed public illicit indecency? it's a wild guess...

HollyMarie said...

The other guesses are alredy so good! I was going to say another vehicle, an animal, a person, etc.

Rebekah said...

A chicken was crossing the road??