Saturday, November 17, 2007

Just for Isabel

Those who know her best know that Isabel is a beautiful, sweet, caring little girl ... but with a will of iron! Often she and Mommy lock horns over who is the boss, yet at the end of the day I just thank God for her and can only imagine the awesome plans He has in store for this truly "miracle" child. Tonight I happened upon a letter I had written to her on the computer almost two years ago. It exemplifies the sweetest side of her character, and I wanted to share it here tonight ... just for Isabel. (:


You are only 3 ½ years old, but you have been familiar with doctors since the day you were born amidst life-threatening complications and rushed into the Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit of the local hospital. A year or so ago, we met with a new doctor in Detroit, a very nice lady (and adoptive mom, too!) with red hair, a pleasant smile, and a great bedside manner. You kept referring to her as the nurse, which is how Mommy realized you thought only boys could be doctors. When I told you that girls could be doctors, too, a light went on inside your little head. Ever since, you have been determined that you will grow up to be a doctor!

I think you will be a great doctor, and this is why. Mommy has been very sick this week, and once while I was lying on the couch you brought me extra blankets and tenderly covered me up with them. You even let me use your own special quilt! Another time, you crawled into bed with me and just held my hand. When Daddy called you for dinner, you reassured me that you would be back soon – and just in case, you left me your pink Care Bear to keep me company!

I am so proud of your tender heart and your great aspirations. I am excited to see where your dreams will take you as you learn to trust God with your life!

I love you, sis!

Mommy 03.30.06

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