Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A day in the life of the Garcias ... (Otherwise titled "Parenthood Can Get Messy!")

5.00 am - Awaken to your daughter saying she had an accident in bed.
5.30 am - Realize your daughter has crawled in bed with you and send her back to her own bed.
6.00 am - Hear your son crying and bring him back to your bed.
6.15 am - Awaken to a curious sound and realize your daughter is back and is vomiting on your bedroom floor. (PS, Husband was very graceful as he lightning-bolted out of bed, grabbed the trash can and only allowed two vomit splats to hit the ground.)
6.30 am - Finish cleaning mess and formally begin the day.
7.30 am - Take sick daughter to the bathroom for vomiting incident #2. (Success! She made it to the toilet.)
8.10 am - Husband goes off to classes feeling very queasy. Mom tends to sick children throughout the morning.
8.30 am - Feel very proud about finally mopping the kitchen, dining, and living room areas. (HINT: This is a foreshadowing moment ...)

Fast forward to the afternoon ... laundry done, children fed, naps completed.

4.00 pm - Hear husband call for help. Son has vomited over himself and husband's school bag (on the freshly mopped floor.) Clean up the mess.
4.15 pm - Hear husband scold daughter. Discover that daughter has spilled sticky Ginger Ale all over freshly mopped floor.
4.30 pm - Realize son has blown out his diaper and needs a two-parent changing experience.
4.45 pm - Husband realizes son needs yet another diaper change (one-parent only.) Fast forward ...
6.30 pm - Hear curious sound from son standing nearby. Watch him lift his feet gingerly off the freshly mopped floor. Notice tiny trickles down his leg and little puddles on the floor. Call for help! Change son's diaper (two parents needed.)
7.30 pm - Finally give medicine to each family member and put all children to bed, including daughter #2 who now complains of stomach pains.
8.10 pm - Husband confesses that he has dropped a sticky apple dessert on the freshly mopped floor.

The End ... (we hope!)


Patti said...

Hey Stephanie! I just love coming to your blog - the photos are always so much fun! Thanks for the sweet post on my blog. I really miss TT, too ... but life has been pretty demanding and I am working hard to make some much needed changes so when the time comes I can be the best Mom ever!! One of these days I'd like to catch up with you on chat. I have some questions for you - want to pick your brain! :-) Love ya! PepRmnt ;)
Doesn't that sound refreshing?? Now I'll crave a Peppermint Patti all day! ha!

Anonymous said...

OK - did you spy on my family???? sounds like life with lots of kids! I love it and wouldn't have it any other way...except if you ske me tomorrow I might tell you having 5 kids is insane and the parents should be locked up!

Anonymous said...

EWWWW!!! Sure hope you all are feeling better soon.