Sunday, September 24, 2006



DeAnna said...

I love this picture and it is so encouraging for me to see. I just hope my girls are close as they get older. Obviously sisters are always different from each other, but being adopted and one having light/medium skin tone the other having medium/dark skin tone - one going to be shorter, the other going to probably be tall (birthmother was 6') - I start thinking that I hope all their differences make them close, I hope they don't despise their differences, etc. Will they not like the fact that people say "You're sisters???" I've just never had a sister so I would love for my girls to have a special bond. Its nice to see that your girls are like mine - different on the outside, but love each other because they are sisters.

Anonymous said...

Your children are so beautiful! I appreciate you sharing all about adoption - I can't wait to begin that journey soon. Thank you for your comment on my blog; it was such an encouragement.
May God bless your wonderful family!