Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Well, I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped today. I feel like there is a countdown in our house until Monday, when Pedro starts school and our new routine begins. I really want to get certain things done before then so they don't end up not getting done! But, Owen's eventful day at the beach on Monday (think: wild child meets the waves!) paid off with his getting sick today and I took him to the pediatrician. It turns out that he has a bad cold (we knew that) and that he has the beginning of a double ear infection (we suspected that.) So he's on some meds for a week and hopefully he will bounce right back to his old self. You can't keep a good man down!


Joy Morykon said...

poor Owen! i hate being sick. Hope he feels better soon. Give him a hug for me. I'd love to meet your kids Steph. they look adorable!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your recent posts that have kept us in touch with your activites and progress. Glad that you made it safe and I pray that Owen recovers quickly!
Love and prayers,